Saturday, September 13, 2014

Oregon - Crater Lake National Park and Haceta Head Lighthouse

Crater Lake National Park, Oregon

Crater Lake is widely known for its intense blue color and spectacular views.  During summer, visitors may navigate the Rim Drive around the lake, enjoy bout tours on the lake surface, stay in the historic Crater Lake Lodge, camp at Mazama Village, or hike some of the park's various trails including Mount Scott at 8,929 ft.

Photographer - Dietrich Stock Photo
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Haceta Head Lighthouse, Oregon

Located twelve miles north of Florence on Oregon's picturesque central coast, the Haceta Head Lighthouse was completed in 1894 after two years of construction.  Made from local and imported materials, this lighthouse was built to withstand the harsh storms of this remarkable region.

Photographer - F. Stuart Westmorland

Both postcards are from a Collection of 10 Panoramic Prints bought in 2010
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The inside of the case reads:
Within Oregon's boundaries lies a land of unsurpassed beauty, offing a multitude of recreational possibilities and sightseeing activities.  Hiking trails abound throughout its forests, mountains and beaches, offering  opportunities for both the experienced and novice adventure seeker.  Its 400 miles of wind-swept, rugged coastline features endless beaches and historic lighthouses, and is known as the hang-gliding and windsurfing capitol of the Northwest.  Surrounding by Oregon's scenic beauty stands  bustling metropolises like Portland and charming towns that offer glimpses into Oregon's cultural diversity.  The varied climate and divers landscape that exist here, makes Oregon a land filled with natural and cultural wonders just waiting to be explored.

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