Saturday, September 13, 2014

Oregon - Columbia River Gorge and Ecola State Park

Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area, Oregon

Sunset illuminates Crown Point and Vista House above the Columbia River Gorge.  The Columbia River Gorge is a precious natural resource for geologists, botanists, archeologists, and amateur nature lovers alike.

Photographer - Steve Terrill
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Ecola State Park, Oregon

A sightseer's paradise, Ecola State Park spans for 9-miles along the prominent point of Tillamook Head.  It features numerous hiking trails and panoramic points that offer breathtaking views of the surrounding forests and Pacific Ocean, including the long-abandoned historic Tillamook lighthouse located one mile off shore.

Photographer - Craig Tuttle
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Both postcards are from a Collection of 10 Panoramic Prints bought in 2010.

The inside of the case reads:
Within Oregon's boundaries lies a land of unsurpassed beauty, offing a multitude of recreational possibilities and sightseeing activities.  Hiking trails abound throughout its forests, mountains and beaches, offering  opportunities for both the experienced and novice adventure seeker.  Its 400 miles of wind-swept, rugged coastline features endless beaches and historic lighthouses, and is known as the hang-gliding and windsurfing capitol of the Northwest.  Surrounding by Oregon's scenic beauty stands  bustling metropolises like Portland and charming towns that offer glimpses into Oregon's cultural diversity.  The varied climate and divers landscape that exist here, makes Oregon a land filled with natural and cultural wonders just waiting to be explored.

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