Thursday, June 5, 2014

Texas - Texas School Book Depository, Kennedy

did you know?

Texas School Book Depository

The Texas School Book Depository is the light red brick warehouse that appears, upper right, in this aerial view.  From the 6th floor, 2nd window from the right on November 22, 1963 the shots rang out that took the life of the late President John F. Kennedy whose car was passing below the window in the middle lane.  The grief experienced by the country at this tragic loss was an emotion and response shared worldwide.  So painful was this memory that it wasn't until 1989 that a museum could be opened at this site to pay tribute to this much loved president.  Taking their cue from the life and work of President Kennedy, the museum focuses its current mission on interpreting contemporary events by applying the lessons of the past to life today.

Greetings from Dallas

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