Friday, August 16, 2019

Czech Republic - Mount Sněžka, Queen of Czech Mountains

Snežna, královna našich hor
(From a translator:
Snow, queen of our mountains)

There is a lot of small writing printed on the back of this postcard.  I put it into a translator and got this....

-25 C. Poradny vitr. Misty skoro 2m snehu. Nekdy nebylo videt ani na krok. Tak vypadal zacatek brezna r.  2018 na hrebenu Krkonos.  Byla to ma vubec prvni zimni horska solo vyprava, naslapal jsem za nekolik dni desitky km s cca 20 kg batohem.  Asi me nejnarocnejsi foceni.   Krkosose jsem do te doby temer neznal. Z lavinovych oblasti jsem mel respekt, nekdy vsak bylo nutne pro dobry zaber trochu zariskovat -jako treba v tomto pripade.  Nastesti jsem si krom lehcich omrzlin v obliceji privezl dumu nejen zazitky, ale i nekolik slusnych fotografi.  Ty najdete i na mem facebookovem profilu.

-25 C. Poradny vitr. Misty almost 2m of snow. Sometimes it was not even a step. That was the beginning of March 2018 on the ridge of Krkonoše. It was the first winter horska solo carriage, I trampled in a few days a dozen km with about 20 kg of a backpack. Probably my most intimate picture. I did not know Krkosose until now. I had respect from the avalanche areas, but sometimes it was necessary for me to take a bit of a risk - as is the case in this case. I grew up beside the light frostbite in my face bringing the house not only to the sounds, but also to some sophisticated photographers. You can also find them on my facebook profile.

Ladislav Renner

This postcard was postmarked in 2019 from The Czech Republic. 

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