Thursday, January 31, 2019

Chile - Andes Mountains, Cordillera Sarmiento

Cordillera de los Andes (Andes Mountains)

Cordillera Sarmiento.
Ubicada en la Region de Aysen en el limite con la Ripublica Argentia.  llamada asi en honor a don D. Faustino Sarmiento quien fuera el creador de la Escuela de Preceptores y gran impulsor de la amistad entre ambas naciones.

I put this into an on-line translator....

Cordillera Sarmiento.
Located in the Region of Aysen on the border with the Ripublica Argentia. so called in honor of Don Faustino Sarmiento who was the creator of the School of Preceptors and great promoter of friendship between both nations.

This postcard was given to me in 2018.  

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