Stift Melk - Bibliothek und Kirche
A 3390 Melk an der Donau N.O.
Stift Melk seit 1089, Barocker Neubau von J. Prandtauer 1702 - 1736.
1) Stiftsbibliothek, Hauptaal mit Decken-fresken von Paul Troger.
2) Stiftskirche hll. Peter und Paul, beruhmte hochbarocke Ausstattung.
From an on-line Translator:
Melk Abbey - library and church
A 3390 Melk on the Danube N.O.
Stift Melk since 1089, Baroque new building by J. Prandtauer 1702 - 1736.
1) Chapel Library, main room with ceiling frescoes by Paul Troger.
2) Stiftskirche hll. Peter and Paul, famous high baroque decor.
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A-3390 Melk a. d. Donau - Wachau
Barockstift der Benediktiner von Jakob
Prandtauer erbaut u. im Jahre 1728 fertiggestelt.
(Baroque cathedral of the Benedictines of Jacob
Prandtauer was built and finished in 1728.)
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Melk an der Donau, Wachau
(Melk on the Danube, Wachau)
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Stiftskirche Melk
Schalldeckel der Kanzel von Peter Widerin
1726 nach Galli-Bibiena
Foto: Baumgartner, Graz
From an on-line translator:
Stiftskirche Melk
Sound cap of the pulpit by Peter Widerin
1726 to Galli-Bibiena
Photo: Baumgartner, Graz
All four of these postcards were given to me in 2017.
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Melk Abbey (German: Stift Melk) is a Benedictine abbey above the town of Melk, Austria, on a rocky outcrop overlooking the Danube river.
The abbey was founded in 1089 when Leopold II, Margrave of Austria gave one of his castles to Benedictine monks. A monastic school, the Stiftsgymnasium Melk, was founded in the 12th century, and the monastic library soon became renowned for its extensive manuscript collection.
Today's Baroque abbey was built between 1702 and 1736 to designs by Jakob Prandtauer. Particularly noteworthy are the abbey church with frescos by Johann Michael Rottmayr and the library with countless medieval manuscripts, including a famed collection of musical manuscripts and frescos by Paul Troger.
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