Saturday, December 27, 2014

France - Plogoff, Vieille Lighthouse in the Brittany Region

Bretagne (Brittany)

Le phare de la Vieille dans la tempete
Storm over the Virile lighthouse

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La Vieille ("The Old Lady") is a lighthouse in the département of Finistère at the commune of Plogoff, on the northwest coast of France. It lies on the rock known as Gorlebella, guiding mariners in the strait Raz de Sein*.

Initial planning talks began as early as 1861, though the construction project was not confirmed until twenty years later. Fierce tides limited the period in which building work could take place to less than half of each year. After five years, construction was complete and its beam first shone in 1887. A foghorn was installed in the early twentieth century.

* Raz de Sein is a very dangerous zone for navigation due to the violent sea currents from the tides (up to six knots during the spring tides).

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