Saturday, September 13, 2014

Oregon - Multnomah Falls in Winter and Autumn

Multnomah Falls, Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area, Oregon

Multnomah Falls plunges a total of 621 feet over two cataracts, upper fall 542-feet and lower fall 69-feet.  It is the second highest year-round waterfall and fifth largest overall in the United States.  The flow of the falls varies during the seasons and is the highest during spring and winter.  Although it is not a common occurrence, in winter during extremely cold temperatures the falls can actually freeze, resembling a giant icicle.

Photographer - Virginia Swartzendruber
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Multnomah Falls, Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area, Oregon

Originating from underground springs located on Larch Mountain, Multnomah Falls tumbles a total of 612-feet over two cataracts; upper fall 542-feet and lower fall 69-feet.  Benson Bridge, built in 1914 and named after Samuel Benson, owner of the falls at that time, crosses Multnomah's upper and lower cataracts, giving visitors an up-close experience with the power and beauty of the falls.

(no photographer listed)
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Both postcards are from a Collection of 10 Panoramic Prints bought in 2010

The inside of the case reads:
Within Oregon's boundaries lies a land of unsurpassed beauty, offing a multitude of recreational possibilities and sightseeing activities.  Hiking trails abound throughout its forests, mountains and beaches, offering  opportunities for both the experienced and novice adventure seeker.  Its 400 miles of wind-swept, rugged coastline features endless beaches and historic lighthouses, and is known as the hang-gliding and windsurfing capitol of the Northwest.  Surrounding by Oregon's scenic beauty stands  bustling metropolises like Portland and charming towns that offer glimpses into Oregon's cultural diversity.  The varied climate and divers landscape that exist here, makes Oregon a land filled with natural and cultural wonders just waiting to be explored.

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