Friday, March 8, 2013

Montana - Butte Mining

Mining in Butte, Montana
Loading ore trucks in Butte's "new pit", located to the east of the water filled Berkley Pit, carries on the tradition of open-pit mining which began in the 1960's after shaft mining for copper no longer proved cost efficient.  The new pit is within sight of the old, visible from Montana I-15 as it climbs the Continental Divide.

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The sender writes:
After making deliveries to various mines in the country, one thing I learned is to always drive on the LEFT SIDE when on a 'Haul Road'.  It looks like that's what they are doing in the photos also.

According to the Mine Safety and Health Administrations Hand Book, some reasons for driving on the left include:

1. Reduces the problems that drivers have with the blind spot on the right hand side of the truck.

2. Loaded trucks can have the inside lane and stay away from the outside edge.

3.  If two trucks do collide, the crash would not occur on the drivers side of the truck.

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