Thursday, December 13, 2012

Broadway - Phantom of the Opera at the Majestic Theater

Highlights of New York
From the depths of the Majestic Theater - The Phantom of the Opera strikes every night... To standing ovations.
bought in 2011

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The Phantom of the Opera is a novel by French writer Gaston Leroux ,(6 May 1868 – 15 April 1927).  It was first published as a series of stories in Le Gaulois (a French newspaper) from September 23, 1909 to January 8, 1910. Initially, the story sold very poorly upon publication in book form and was even out of print several times during the twentieth century; it is overshadowed by the success of its various film and stage adaptations. The most notable of these were the 1925 film depiction, Ken Hill's 1976 musical at the Theatre Royal Stratford East followed ten years later by Andrew Lloyd Webber's 1986 musical that in turn inspired the 2004 film adaptation.

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