Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Ireland - County Fermanagh

Co. Fermanagh
Northern Ireland

The area around Lower Lough Erne boasts a rich combination of natural and historic sights. In summer, ferries serve several island and cruisers are available to hire.   The limestone hills of west Fermanagh contain interesting cave systems.

Pictures featured are the Round Tower on Devenish Island; Castle Coole; Fermanagh Lakeland; Boa Island Statue; Marble Arch Caves; and Enniskillen Castle.

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A few famous people born, raised in or living in Fermanagh.

John Armstrong (1717–1795), born in Fermanagh, United States Congressman
Samuel Beckett (1906–1989), author and playwright (educated in Portora Royal School)
Robert Kerr (1882–1963), athlete & Olympic Gold Medalist
Oscar Wilde (1854–1900), author and playwright (educated in Portora Royal School)

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