Saturday, March 31, 2012

Florida - Sarasota, John Ringling Mansion and Museum of Art

The John Ringling Mansion, Sarasota, Florida
The John Ringling Mansion stands on the shore of Sarasota Bay, said to be the most beautiful bay in America.  Directly back of this mansion is the 30 acre estate known as Ca'D' Zan (meaning the home of John).  The mansion was designed by the celebrated architect Dwight James Baum and was over two years in construction.  On the same estate stands the John and Mabel Ringling Museum of Art housing one of the best collections in America of original paintings by old masters.
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Archway along Inner Court of Ringling Art Museum, Sarasota, Florida
The John and Mabel Ringling Museum of Art was established by the late circus king in 1930 as a memorial to his wife.  In a setting of incomparable beauty specially designed to house his famous art treasures.  The collection includes works of such artists as Rubens, Rembrandt, Titian, Franz, Hals, Van Dyck, Reynolds, Gainsborough, El Greco, Murillo, and many others.  All the columns and door-ways are original marble pieces mostly of the 18th Century period.
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The John Ringling Estate, Sarasota, Florida
The John Ringling Estate is located on Sarasota Bay just north of the John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art.  This beautiful thirty (30) acre estate has many winding roads and paths lined with exotic figures and statues.  The tropical plantings and the outdoor swimming pool are just a few of the attractions.

From a set of 12 postcards in a booklet.
The inside of the front cover reads:

The John and Mabel Ringling Museum of Art
located in the city of Sarasota, Florida, houses one of the outstanding art collections in America and said to be next to the Louvre in Paris for its representations of the Old Masters works.  The collection represents thirty-five years of untiring efforts on the part of Mr. and Mrs. John Ringling, seeking out only the bet of Flemish, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, French and English masters and their outstanding paintings.  Well known names are well represented thruout the entire collection.  Other items of art works are well represented too, the Inner Court with its well arranged statuary, fountains and ancient columns in a setting of a terraced Italian sunken garden with tropical shrubs and flowers.  Wishing to leave a Memorial, Mr. Ringling left this entire Estate of thirty acres, his three million dollar Mansion and the estimated fourteen million dollar Art Museum to the State of Florida which now carries on in ownership and management.  The State of Florida intends to make this gift one of the most famous of Art Museums, from a standpoint of education, America could ever hope for.  The Museum building is detailed in Italian Renaissance and a visit to Europe is your by taking a tour thru this Museum.

The inside of the back cover reads:

The John Ringling Mansion ... a Venetian Palace, is situated back of the Art Museum on the shore of Sarasota Bay.  This was the home of John and Mabel Ringling for many years and it too houses outstanding objets d'art.  Period furniture, massive bed-room suites, mural ceilings, imported floor coverings, tapestry hangings and an inventory of choice collector's items abound in every room.  A visit thru this Mansion convinces one of the cultured life John and Mabel Ringling enjoyed.  This Estate named Ca'D'Zan (the house of John) is one of the outstanding tourist attractions in Florida and a stop here will convince the most critical, he has seen the best America has to offer in this line of sightseeing adventure.

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