Sunday, March 25, 2012

Engolasters Lake in Andorra

Principat D'Andorra (Principality of Andorra)
Llac d'Engolasters (Lake Engolasters)
Vista aeria al fons Andorra La Vella (Aerial view of the bottom Andorra La Vella)

Fotografia (photographer) A. Campana

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Engolasters Lake, in the Encamp parish of Andorra, is an oblong shaped lake at an elevation of 1,616 m (5,302 ft). formed in a glacial depression. It is located close to Andorra La Vella, the capital of Andorra.

The stored water in the reservoir is utilized for generating hydroelectric power at the power station located near Encamp village. There is a cable car rope way from Encamp to the lake area, which is a 6.2 km line.

A legend related to the history and formation of the lake claims that Engolasters was formed by a sudden gush of water unleashed by divine powers in order to chastise the impiety of a beautiful woman, who was said to be an ancient inhabitant of a village close to the lake shore. According to legend, the woman refused to give a piece of a bread to a starving pilgrim, said to be Christ himself.

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