Monday, June 30, 2014

Florida - St. Petersburg, Sunken Gardens

Entrance to Beautiful Sunken Gardens, St. Petersburg, Florida "The Sunshine City"

The visitor to Turner's Sunken Gardens enjoys the beauty of flowers and tropical plants all the year 'round.  Winding trails and pools provide a colorful scenery.
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Sunken Garden in Florida

Florida is a delightfully sunny place, fashioned by nature in her happiest mood, endowed with super fine gifts of climate, beauty and salt-ladened heath-giving winds and smiling skies.
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Floral Vista in Sunken Gardens
St. Petersburg, Florida "The Sunshine City"

The visitor to Turner's Sunken Gardens enjoys the beauty of flowers and tropical plants all the year 'round.  Winding trails and pools provide a colorful scenery.
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Stately Royal Palms and Flowers, St. Petersburg, Florida

The visitor to Turner's Sunken Gardens enjoys the beauty of flowers and tropical plants all the year 'round.  Winding trails and pools provide a colorful scenery.

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