Sunday, June 29, 2014

Florida - Hialeah Race Course

Mid-Season at Hialeah Race Course, Hialeah, Florida

The horses are on the track for the parade to the post for the start of a race.  In the back-ground are to be seen the colorful flower beds, the turf course, the bougainvillea hedge, and the infield lake with the Flamingos about the island.
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Flamingos and Nests at Hialeah Race Course, Miami, Florida

The famous flock of flamingos at Hialeah Park is always a centre of interest to all visitors.  This family was recently increased by 62 young birds which were hatched and are being reared in this flock.  The scene illustrated shows adult birds and their mud and grass nests. Several eggs may be seen.
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Flamingos Feeding at Hialeah Race Course
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Widener Fountain and Club House Lawn
Hialeah Race Course

The fountain on the Clubhouse lawn is dedicated to the late Joseph E. Widener who established Hialeah race Course in its pre-eminence as "America's Most Beautiful Race Course."
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Entrance to the Clubhouse, Hialeah Race Course Hialeah, Florida

The beautiful Royal Palm driveway to the Club House at Hialeah Race Course is familiar to thousands of winter Racing enthusiasts, and to thousands of visitors all of the year.

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