Thursday, December 13, 2012

France - Beaune, Hospices de Beaune and More

Sise en bons murs
entoures de vignoble
Beaune je suis,
la premiere cite
ou le duc de Bourgogne
ait habite;
Si me voyez tant belle,
riche et noble.

Au Pays des Grands Crus ...
Beaune (Cote-d'Or)
La cour d'honneur de l'Hotel-Diu fonde en 1443 par Nicolas Rolin - Le tournebroche de las cuisine - L'eglise Notre-Dame
La Salle des Povres

from translator:
Located on good walls
surrounded by vineyards
My Beaune,
The first quote
or the Duke of Burgundy
have lived;
If I see as beautiful,
rich and noble.

The main courtyard of the Hotel-Diu founded in 1443 by Nicolas Rolin - The rotisserie cooking las - The church of Our Lady
The Hall of Povres

postmarked in 2011 with a Labrador stamp from France

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The Hospices de Beaune or Hôtel-Dieu de Beaune is a former charitable almshouse in Beaune, France. It was founded in 1443 by Nicolas Rolin, chancellor of Burgundy, as a hospital for the poor and needy. The original hospital building, the Hôtel-Dieu, one of the finest examples of French fifteenth-century architecture, is now a museum. Services for patients are now provided in modern hospital buildings.

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