Saturday, June 16, 2012

Portugal - Legend of Barcelos Rooster, Postcard Made of Cork!

The Old Legend of Barcelos Cock

Once at Barcelos, a small town on the North of Portugal, a certain man was condemned to be hanged.  Convinced of his innocence and in order to prove it he implored a miracle to "Our Lady".
As his last wish he asked to be allowed ad Judje's (judges) home, who received him in his dining-room.  Then the condemned under a sudden faith impulse said that, as a prove of his innocence, the roasted cock which was laying on the Judge's table, would get up and crow.   Indeed the rooster immediatly jumped up and started crowing vibrantly.  This legend has passed from generation to generation, and the typic "Cock of Barcelos" became a symbol of faith, justice and good luck.

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